~*~*~*~ NOTE~*~*~*~

I am currently in the process of changing my new tutorials over to this blog. Please be patient with me while I do this process.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Snow Belles

Click on picture to see the image bigger.
Tutorial by BabyV written on 11/27/2010
This tutorial was made by my own ideas, any similarity to any other tutorial is by mere chance.
You will need a basic working knowledge of PSP to do this tutorial.
Tutorial written in PSP X2.

Items used in this tutorial is a scrap kit Let it Snow, Let it Snow by Scrap Occasions.
You can purchase it here.
If you aren't able to purchase tubes for this kit you can use the snowmen in the kit instead.
The three tubes I used are by Keith Garvey ( psp13919, psp14458, and psp14851) which you can purchase at MPT.
Template number330 by Missy which you can find at her blog here.

As with any tutorial I make I ask that you use your own imagination and add your own ideas to it.
Open template in PSP, click Shift and D to duplicate it and close out the original.
Close off the following layers by Missy, word art layer, stars 1, and stars 2.

Go to the rectangle layer go to selections, select all, selection float, selection, defloat, then selections invert.
Open a paper from the kit in PSP ( I used paper9 ) Copy and paste above the rectangle layer, hit the delete key on the key board. Close off the template rectangle layer.

Open your tubes that you want to use in PSP. Use your selection tool and select a square on the layer named Background frame. Copy a tube and paste it on to the working image and place it how you would like it to lay. Once placed how you like it go to selections, invert and then hit the delete key, deselect. Do the same for the next two tubes.

Open the element star trail and resize it to fit in the background frame area. Make sure the back ground frame area is selected in your layer pallete. Go to selections, select all, selection float, selection defloat, then selection invert. Click on the star trail layer and hit the delete key.

Open a contrasting paper, copy the paper, make sure the background frame is selected in the layer pallete and  paste the paper as a new layer. Hit the delete key, deselect.

Chose the frame layer and recolor it to a color of your choice.

Open Lovely Flowers element, rotate, resize, and place it how you like on the image.
Once you have it where you want it duplicate the image, then mirror it.
If the mirrored image isn't placed how you like it then arrange it to where you like.

Open a snowflake, copy  paste it and resize it. Place it how you like and where you like.
I arranged mine in the flower element  and in each corner of the background frame.

Now is when if you used an artist that you place their credits on the tag
The font I used to do this in was Oh lala

Pick another font of choice and write the name or phrase of choice.
The font I used is Script MT Bold.

Thank you for doing my tutorial

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Underwater Beauty

Underwater Beauty.
Click on picture to see the image bigger.
Tutorial by BabyV written on 10/02/2010
This tutorial was made by my own ideas, any similarity to any other tutorial is by mere chance.
You will need a basic working knowledge of PSP to do this tutorial.
Tutorial written in PSP X2.

Items used in this kit is my scrap kit Blue Diamonds ( tagger sized ) which you can purchase at my store here .
The tube used is Keith Garvey's Precious ( psp16661) which you can purchase at My PSP Tubes.

1) Open paper of choice in PSP ( if using my kit I chose paper 4) in your keyboard hit SHIFT and D at the same time, then go to layers, promote background to layer. This will duplicate your paper, close your original.

2) Go to your selection tool, choose selection, then on selection type choose rounded rectangle.
On your working image draw yourself out a rectangle no longer than 500 px and taller than 150px.

3) Go to selections, Invert, then hit the delete key on your keyboard, select none.

4) Go back to Selections, select all, selection float, selection defloat, Selections, Modify, Expand by 3 pixels. Layer new raster layer, send to bottom. Use your paint bucket tool and fill in with a contrasting color of choice. Selections, Modify, Contract by 5, hit the delete key.

5) Click on your top layer ( should be your paper), open tube of choice in PSP. If your tube has legs ( like the one I used did) then you will need to copy  and paste her on to your working image. Position her legs how you want them to be and add a drop shadow. Then change the layer transparency to 43.

6) Open element of choice copy ( blue diamonds) , paste and, position how you like on the tag, use a drop shadow of choice.

7) Open water element of choice, copy, paste and, position how you like, add a drop shadow.

8) Copy tube again, paste on tag position face how you want, add drop shadow. If parts of the body tube are showing use your eraser tool to erase and blend in where needed.

9) Open two more elements  and place them around the face ( diamond stars) for accents, add a drop shadow, image rotate @ 10 to the left.

10) Go to the paper layer of your tag. Selections, Select All, Selections Float, Selections Defloat.  Now go to the top layer of your tag, create a new layer. Then go to Effects, 3d Effects, Cutout. Settings are as follows.
V1, H-1,  OPACITY 58, BLUR 25. 

11) Go to Selections, Invert, hit the delete key. Go through your tag and do this to each layer EXCEPT the BOTTOM LAYER. Select none.

12) Go to your very bottom layer of your tag, send this layer to the top.

13)  Add your copyright information along with your license number, position where it can be legibly seen.
Merge all layers.

14)  Click your selection tool, Click on Layer Opaque in your tool bars,  Crop image to selection.

15) Add your name or saying on your tag with font of choice, add a drop shadow, save as PNG.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bad Girl Tutorial and Free Template

Well I have decided to take my try at making tagback templates. So below is a tutorial I did with my first tagback template I have made. I hope you all like it.

No scraps where used in the making of this tutorial.

Items needed:
* Tube of choice, I chose two tubes by Keith Garvey called Powder Blue and Naughty Girl.
* Tagback template of choice
* Working knowledge of PSP.

I chose a tube by Keith Garvey named Powder Blue. You can purchase it at My PSP Tubes. If you use the search feature here is her tube number psp15198(Powder Blue) psp12427(Naughty Girl).

Tagback can be found here.

Open tagback in PSP and on your keyboard push SHIFT and D at the same time. This will give you a duplicate image. Close out the original PSD template, your duplicate is now called your Working Image.

You will notice that there are three layers to the circles and Squares. This tutorial is very simple, you'll notice that the template is already precolored. You'll also notice that there is another set of circles to this template than what is showing in the tutorial.
Go ahead and find all the layers that are green and mark them out ( click the eye ).

Take the tube of choice and open it in PSP. Copy it and paste it as a new layer on your Working Image. Duplicate this layer. Close off the top copy, the other tube layer move down and adjust it how you want it to be placed in the smaller circle. Select Bottom Circle 2 in the layer pallete. Use your magic wand to select the circle, go to selections, invert. Select your active tube layer and you will now need your eraser tool and you will use this to erase the extra of the tube that you don't want to see outside the circle. However much you erase depends on how you want your image to turn out.
Select None.
Use drop shadow of choice and lower the opacity of the tube. I lowered the opacity on mine to 40 percent.

Now open your next tube and copy and paste it into PSP and arrange it over the upper squares. Repeat the same actions for this tube as you did for the previous tube. Yon can arrange this same girl in the lower square area as well.

Once you have the extra tubes arranged, drop shadowed, and opacity set how you want to then go back to the first tube that you closed off and make it active again. Arrange it how you want it and give it a very subtle drop shadow.

Place your copyrights and license number on the image and then write your name on the tag with your font of choice. Font use on this tag is Passions Conflict.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial and the tagback template.

Tut written on March 27, 2010 by me. Any similarity to any other tutorial is a mere coincidence.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Sweetest Thing

The Sweetest Thing

Click on picture to see the image bigger.
Tutorial by BabyV written on 1/18/2010
This tutorial was made by my own ideas, any similarity to any other tutorial is by mere chance.

In my tutorials I will place hex codes for colors. You can use them if you chose but please use some of your own creativity in with my tuts.

The six Tubes used are created by the artist Keith Garvey, you can purchase his work here.

The mask I used can be found here, I have no idea who made it but if someone can refer me to their site so I may give proper credit to them and have them download there I would appreciate it.

Scrap kit used is by BabyVDezign and its called My Blue Valentine which you can buy here.

Open Psp and create an image size 550 X 250px
( from now on this will be referred to as your working image)

Flood fill with a color of choice. I chose white.
Create a new layer and flood fill with another color of choice I chose color #8c9db6

Open the mask in PSP go to layers, new mask layer, and chose from image.
on the box that pops up make sure that you select Source Luminance and Invert Mask Data. Merge group.

Use your selection tool at the rectangle setting. What you are going to do is make a selection of the rectangle part of the mask. You may have to redo it a few times but keep doing it till you get all the inside rectangle selected. Once all selected hit the delete key on your key board.

Now open the kit and grab a paper of choice. I used paper 8. Copy and paste it onto your working image. Go to Selections chose Invert and then hit the delete key on your key board. Deselect. Now change the opacity on this image to around 65.

Now chose the mask layer again. You will notice smaller blue outline from the inner rectangle. You need to use your selection tool again at rectangle and go along the outside of this rectangle. Again you may have to redo it a few times to get all the blue on the inside of the selection. Once done make a new raster layer and flood fill the selected area of this new layer with a contrasting color. I chose black #000000. Deselect.

Now chose the layer that of the paper and select it. Go back to the darker contrast rectangle and hit the delete key on the key board.

Now open your tubes in PSP Copy and paste them onto your image as you like. Two of them will have to be bigger than the other 4 for the outside girls. Once you have them all resized to your liking you will need to go back to the paper layer.
select it. Close off the layers of your outer girls, go to your paper layer and select it. Go to Selections, Invert. Now grab your eraser tool and chose the layer of one of the smaller girls. Use the eraser just around the bottom of the selection to the bottom of the image. You will need to repeat this for each of the small tubes. Once this is done merge the smaller tube layers. Move this merged layer under the dark contrast frame layer.


The bottoms of the smaller girls should be touching the dark contrast frame when you move them under it. You may have to move them down some to achieve this look.

Once the girls have been moved under the frame use a drop shadow of your choice.
Now go back to the two bigger girls. These girls are to stay off to the sides of the tag and they are to stay ABOVE the contrast frame. Add a drop shadow of choice to them as well.
Now is the time to add in your elements as you want them and to place on your copyright, license number, along with name or saying.You can copy how I did my elements but I prefer you to get creative.